The Zebra Fish lab is located in the Robert Karp Building on the Main Campus of Boston Children’s Hospital-Animal Facility. This project consisted of removing 5,000 SF of zebrafish holding tanks which housed 250-300 thousand experimental zebrafish. The project was split into two phases to accommodate user requests with maintaining daily activities in phase two with work being completed in phase one. This phasing resulted in FLC maintaining stringent No-dust/No Vibration requirements so as not to interfere with the zebrafish breeding cycles. FLC utilized multiple negative machines with sealed moisture-resistant barriers and doors with magnehelic’s to confirm room balance. Phase one consisted of demoing ten rows of holding tanks 8’H x 24” D x 40’ L and associated plumbing and power, existing GWB ceiling was removed to accommodate the new HVAC Phoenix Valve and S.S. ductwork. R.O. water and waste lines were cored down thru the existing floor into the Bertucci’s restaurant ACT ceiling area and tied into existing plumbing lines. There were fourteen 12” x 12” floor sinks installed for water overflow mitigation. A new 800 AMP 3 panel service was completed to power new holding tanks, a pump filtering system, and an automatic robot fish feeder system. Multiple plumbing and power shutdowns were coordinated with the in-house engineering so as not to interfere with the above animal facility’s daily activities. Final finishes consisted of all moister-resistant products (Epoxy Flooring/Phenolic Casework and Sinks/Epoxy Paint). New holding tanks were supplied by Technoplast from Italy with final installation coordinated through FLC with M.E.P. hookups and monitoring controls. FLC facilitated detailed schedules with 6-week look-a-head’s required by the Animal Facility leadership. Phase two was a mirror image in work scope and sequence to phase one, the total project start to completion time was 6 months.
Categories: Healthcare